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May 15, 2018

Ford GoBike has provided 1 million bike trips in the San Francisco Bay area. Senior Developer Advocate Randy Zwitch analyzes their ridership using MapD Cloud.

May 2, 2018

Many of our larger enterprise customers use a cloud platform such as Microsoft Azure for their infrastructure needs. While MapD provides installation recipes for various flavors of Linux and Docker, we haven’t spent as much time focusing on installation on specific cloud platforms. Let’s change that with this post on installing MapD Community Edition on Microsoft Azure!

Apr 16, 2018

Using MapD Immerse you can visually interact and analyze the Google Analytics session data to determine how people get to your website

Apr 13, 2018

Learn how Verizon leveraged MapD’s SQL engine and visual analytics platform to provide industry-leading network reliability.

Apr 12, 2018

We celebrated the launch of MapD Cloud by hosting our first MapD Office Hours

Apr 3, 2018

Today we are excited to launch MapD Cloud. Now, anyone can start benefiting from the power of MapD’s GPU-accelerated analytics platform.

Apr 3, 2018

Today’s launch of MapD Cloud includes two methods for importing data: transfering from an AWS S3 bucket, or uploading from a local text-delimited file.

Mar 26, 2018

With the help of Apache Arrow, an efficient data interchange is created between MapD, pygdf, and machine learning hardware acceleration tools such as, PyTorch, and others.

Mar 19, 2018

Have you felt limited by the capabilities of Google Analytics standard user interface?