Faster model results: Reduced turnaround time for model visualization from 6-hours to 5 minutes
Unlocked 100,000x more data with higher-resolution imagery, geodata, and model results usable; 1-2 km to 0.5-1 m
More accurate, trustworthy forecasts. Improved confidence in forecasts by using more granular results and model comparisons
No-code data joins
A prominent California utility’s meteorologists needed to quickly understand and communicate the risk and potential impacts of weather events (e.g., wildfires) on their distributed energy network to staff and systems responsible for public safety power shutoff; to provide more specific and targeted weather forecasts to various stakeholders using continuously changing models that overwhelmed their legacy GIS solution; and to compare the results of their detailed atmospheric models with national and European models to ensure accuracy.
HEAVY.AI is now their core platform for preventing and managing wildfire threats. They combine high-resolution geospatial data (e.g., vegetation health, fuel loads, temperature, wind speed & direction, active fires, burn scars, and more) with massive amounts of data generated by their in-house atmospheric models to view, process, distill and deliver timely reports on critical weather events and wildfire potential.